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Exterior Changes to your House or Landscaping


***Please DO NOT proceed with any work on the exterior of your house or yard until you receive authorization. *** 

Before you make ANY changes to the exterior of your home or landscaping, please initiate a request (called a ticket) via the Cypress Ridge website.  Under Association click on the respective committee.  Complete and submit the appropriate request form. You will receive an email response (& ticket number) on whether or not you may proceed with your request.  This includes but is not limited to any painting of houses &/or fences, installation of fences, exterior landscape structures in addition to landscape plant installations and trees. 

Again, please DO NOT proceed with any work until you receive approval.
If you are unsure which committee you need to go through, click HERE.

IF YOU ARE A NEW RESIDENT and have not received the Welcome Package, please notify the Welcome Committee.  On the left side Welcome column under Association, click on Other Committees, click on Ambassador/Welcome Committee  or  click HERE.  

The Board and the Landscape Committee have finalized the guidelines for artificial turf. 
Please do not install any "turf" without prior approval or you may be have to remove it.  Submit a request via the website (see above).  You will be assigned a "Ticket" number.  The Committee will get back to you as soon as possible. For the Rule Adoption Notice for Artificial Turf, click HERE.

During this drought rather than letting your lawn die and losing the investment you've already made, consider watering the lawn at the minimum needed to sustain it (Each lawn will be different depending on its exposure).  It may be a bit brown but when the rain comes you will be able to re-establish your lawn and maintain the initial investment.

Letting lawns go brown doesn't mean that you should not maintain the yard.   Please continue to mow the lawn and maintain the yard.  Lawns look neater when they are edged.  Consider edging.  It keeps the grass contained and cuts down on weeds.

Please submit a "ticket" request via the website (see above) before planting any tree.  Our location is a bit tricky and the Landscape Committee wants to make sure you have success with your choice of tree(s).  Many trees that nurseries say will grow here do not grow at Cypress Ridge.  The Landscape Committee will get back to you as soon as possible with advice on your choice of tree(s).

We are seeing lots of weeds in the sidewalk cracks and yards, both front and back.  Please continue weed removal in all parts of the yard.  Use less water by putting in bark or ground cover.  It will slow down evaporation from the soil and reduce weeds.  Tip: Skip toxic weed killer and save $$ by pouring boiling water on weeds in sidewalk/driveway cracks.

This time of year many native & Mediterranean plants go dormant so they don't need fertilizer or much water.  Grasses need to be cut down to about 4 inches above the ground.  This will allow new shoots to grow.  If you have plants in your yard that look brown &/or dead, gently pull on the plant.  If it doesn't come out, trim it down to a couple of inches above the ground and watch and see what happens.....more than likely you will see new growth in a couple of months.  If it doesn't regrow, replace with a new plant.   Don't forget to check the list of Prohibited Plants in the Design Guidelines or the website Home Page under Welcome/Goods&Services/Garden Tips.