If you have a question, comment or concern for the Cypress Ridge Board's consideration, you are encouraged to present your subject during the Open Forum session at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Subjects for the board that may require a lengthy discussion and dialog can be given in advance to the board by sending the board your question, comment or concern. In this way, the board can better prepare an answer for you at the meeting.
Dave Rodgers - President dorodgers79@gmail.com

My wife Kim and I have lived in Arroyo Grande for the past 20 years. We raised three children who all graduated from Arroyo Grande High School and then various California colleges since that time. We moved into our Cypress Ridge home in the Fall of 2022. We have owned the lot in Cypress Ridge since 2014.
After earning a bachelor’s degree in finance from Bowling Green State University in Ohio, I moved to Chicago and worked in a range of a range of auditing and distribution center positions at Baxter International. While at Baxter, I earned an MBA from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management in Illinois. In the early 1990s, I changed industries and spent the next 30 years in senior management positions with various logistics and supply chain firms. The common objective in these roles was to deliver cost savings, improved product quality and environmental benefits for a wide range of products moving from point-of-manufacture to consumption.
I retired in early 2020 after seven years as Vice President of Sales and New Business Development from Atlanta, GA based Tosca Services, a global leader in reusable packaging solutions. As part of the company’s leadership team, I participated in four board meetings each year. I also served as President for a two-year term of an industry non-profit association. I am now consulting for Tosca as well as a small medical products company based out of Scottsdale, AZ. I currently volunteer at Pismo Preserve to maintain its network of trails and enjoy playing tennis several times per week.
I look forward to serving on the Board. I will bring a fresh voice to Cypress Ridge with an objective to improve our community for all of its residents. As a resident, I am focused on addressing the challenges that we face together and the opportunities that we have to further improve our community.
Jim Wolfe - Vice President

My wife Maureen and I purchased our home in Cypress Ridge in 2006 and have been full time residents since August 2008. I retired from a 35+ year public sector career in parks and recreation in December 2008, which included serving as the Department Director for the cities of Manhattan Beach and Pleasanton. During our time in CR I have served as a member of the committee that reviewed policies for dogs in the community; was asked by a previous Board to be the lead negotiator with the former golf course owner regarding a proposed resort project; and have chaired the Picnic Area Committee, which facilitates resident use of the community park, since its inception. I was originally elected to the CR Board of Directors as a write in candidate in 2018 and reelected to a second term in 2020. During that time, I was annually selected by my colleagues to be the HOA Board’s Vice President, also serving four months as the Acting President. I was actively involved in securing a long-term agreement with the golf course owner to provide irrigation water for our common areas and, along with former Board Member John Kenny, helped to acquire and improve the front entry parcel off El Campo Road which serves as the gateway to our community. I have a strong interest in upgrading our common area landscaping and replacing the aging playground equipment in our parks. I consider it a privilege to serve the property owners of Cypress Ridge and strive to be a source of accurate information concerning issues that affect us all.
Ted James - Secretary - tjames751@hotmail.com

Master’s Degree, City and Regional Planning, CSU, Fresno Fresno and Kern County Planning Positions Kern County Planning Director/ Development Services Agency Director Land Use/Environmental Consultant Chairman, Cypress Ridge Community Enhancement Committee
Many years of experience involved with private property regulatory affairs, consensus building, managing an agency budget and communicating with the public in a transparent and objective manner is well-suited for the role of being a Board Director. I am honored to serve with the Board and HOAMCO in planning for the future and protecting and enhancing the value of our home and community investments.
Rick Ellison - Treasurer - rick.ellison1@gmail.com

I am Rick Ellison, a resident of Cypress Ridge since 2018, and a regular attendee of Cypress Ridge Owners Association meetings and events. I want to represent all community members, especially as we face upcoming issues related to water, roads, security, landscaping, and relationship with the Golf Course ownership. My related experience includes more than 35 years serving as a senior administrator at public and private educational institutions responsible for fundraising and marketing, managing multi-million dollar endowment assets, serving on non-profit, service club, and foundation boards, and currently leading a county-wide non-profit organization.
Bob Hatmaker - Member at Large - robertjhatmaker@gmail.com

Cypress ridge is a great development and I would like to help keep it that way. My neighbors have been nothing but great and the neighborhood is safe. I love people and you might know me because I walk and ride my bike daily in Cypress Ridge. I'm a retired junior high teacher that mainly taught in Clovis Unified near Fresno for most of my career. I still teach part-time to keep active. I would like the opportunity to represent the residents of Cypress Ridge on the board! I will do my best to keep our neighborhood a great place to live!