Outside try Terro. It's a Borax based product that is nontoxic to pets, wildlife including frogs. Available at local nurseries.
It’s caused by warm days and cool nights. Here’s a “green” solution to spray on the leaves compliments of Sunset magazine. It won't impact beneficial insects or birds:
1 gallon water,1 Tbsp. Baking soda, 1 Tbsp. Canola oil. Mix in a gallon container and spray on plants when the wind isn’t blowing.
POISONOUS PLANTS to our dogs and cats, as well as, wildlife.
14 most common poisonous plants: Autumn Crocuses (Colchicum autumnale), Azalea/Rhododendron/Laurel (Rhododendron spp), Castor Bean (Ricinus communis), Cycad Palms/Sago Palm (Cycas Revoluta), Cyclamen, Foxglove (Digitalis), Kalanchoe, Lilies (Lilium spp), Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis), Oleander (Neruim oleander), Tulip/Narcissus bulbs (Tulipa/Narcissus spp), Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow (Brunfeisia australis) & Yew (Taxus spp). If ingested &/or symptoms, get to a vet, or the emergency animal clinic as soon as possible.
The ASPCA has a website ( with information that covers over 100 of the most frequently encountered poisonous plants common to our yards; the symptoms of poisoning and a poison control hotline.
Outside try Terro. It's a Borax based product that is nontoxic to pets, wildlife including frogs. Available at local nurseries.
It’s caused by warm days and cool nights. Here’s a “green” solution to spray on the leaves compliments of Sunset magazine. It won't impact beneficial insects or birds:
1 gallon water,1 Tbsp. Baking soda, 1 Tbsp. Canola oil. Mix in a gallon container and spray on plants when the wind isn’t blowing.
POISONOUS PLANTS to our dogs and cats, as well as, wildlife.
14 most common poisonous plants: Autumn Crocuses (Colchicum autumnale), Azalea/Rhododendron/Laurel (Rhododendron spp), Castor Bean (Ricinus communis), Cycad Palms/Sago Palm (Cycas Revoluta), Cyclamen, Foxglove (Digitalis), Kalanchoe, Lilies (Lilium spp), Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis), Oleander (Neruim oleander), Tulip/Narcissus bulbs (Tulipa/Narcissus spp), Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow (Brunfeisia australis) & Yew (Taxus spp). If ingested &/or symptoms, get to a vet, or the emergency animal clinic as soon as possible.
The ASPCA has a website ( with information that covers over 100 of the most frequently encountered poisonous plants common to our yards; the symptoms of poisoning and a poison control hotline.
The prohibited list was based on CR developers, the CR golf course and the SLO County’s prohibited plant material list. We suggest that you take the list with you to the nursery. Make it easy on yourself & the Landscape Committee and please don’t plant prohibited plants, as you will be asked to remove them.
- All categories of invasive ground cover.
- Spanish Broom (Spartium junceum)
- Heavily reseeding plants
- Monterrey Pines
- Mexican Feather Grass
- Blue Gum Eucalyptus
- Pampass Grass
- Palms
- Tree of Heaven (Ailantus altissima)
- Italian Cypress
- Giant Reed (Arundo donax)
- Lava Rock (any color) & White Rock with sparkles
San Luis Obispo County Prohibited Plants-- These are invasive and a danger to our native habitat. The California Invasive Plant Council ( has information for the Central Coast with specific plants and pictures & the specific reasons why they are a problem. Go to Click on Central Coast on the map.
- Ornamental Grasses--
Pampas grass or jubatagrass Cortaderia selloana & C. jubata
Green fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum).
- Ground Covers--
Hottentot fig or iceplant Carpobrotus edulis
Periwinkle Vinca major
- Trees--
Blue gum eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus,
Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia, or saltcedar Tamarix spp
SLUGGO- nontoxic to wildlife and pets
Protected by the Federal Migratory bird Protection Act of 1918 -Illegal to destroy completed nests between 2/15 through 9/1. Old nests may be removed after 9/1. Info on preventing nesting click on pest homes; then click on cliff swallows.
Here's a nontoxic formula: Dissolve 3/4 aspirin in a gallon of water. Spray plants every 2 or 3 weeks.