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CR Golf and Social Club

The Cypress Ridge Golf and Social Club (CRGSC) is an organization formed to enhance the enjoyment of golf and promote social interaction for the residents of Cypress Ridge and vicinity. Although we are a golf club, most of our activities are social which include winery events and social time before meetings (and during meetings). Several of our members no longer play golf.

In addition to tournaments, CRGSC organizes an opportunity to play each Tuesday and Thursday morning at Cypress Ridge, and opportunities to play at other golf courses. Games are self-supporting and voluntary. Golfers participating in any golf activity in which prizes are awarded shall maintain an official handicap. Golfers participating in any of our 8 scheduled tournaments must be a dues-paying member in order to be eligible to win any prize. Participation is open to CRGSC members, and guests/non-members on a space-available basis.

Membership in CRGSC is open to all residents at Cypress Ridge and vicinity. Membership is comprised of persons who have paid dues for the year. Dues are $100 per couple per year and prorated at a quarterly rate for new members. The dues are primarily used to pay for rental of facilities where we meet, the partial costs of our Christmas dinner/dance, and other events. Non-members may attend meetings and events for a fee.

Throughout the summer months CRGSC sponsors Sunday Couples Play on Sunday afternoons. These casual games consist of nine holes of golf. Many follow this with dinner at a local restaurant. This program is considered a community building activity and is open to anyone wishing to play. Handicaps are not necessary, and all levels of skill are welcome. [Note: Pending a volunteer to lead it.]

CRGSC sponsors a Christmas Dinner Dance in December for its members. Guests and non-members may attend for a fee as space is available. CRGSC also supports the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Rally for Hope (provides free mammograms) Golf Tournament in July aka The Grossi [Pending a volunteer coordinator.], Toys-4-Tots Drive, and other community programs.

The club meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month except: February, April, June, August, and November.
Happy New Year! A new year for the Cypress Ridge Golf and Social Club means new faces to help lead the club. As incoming President, I look forward to a busy, fun, and active club calendar that includes weekly golf events, four social gatherings, and a holiday party. My wife, Donna, and I retired to Cypress Ridge late in 2019 after living in Alaska for 20 years. It sure is wonderful to be back on the central coast (we lived in Santa Maria 30ish years ago)!
Our next social gathering of 2023 will be held on March 22 and will be a pizza party. Anyone interested in joining our group or for information, please contact me, Ed Turner, at cypressrgsclub@gmail.com. The annual dues are $100 per year per household and are payable to John Dixon. 100 percent of the dues are used to fund all or part of the various events we have during the year, with a large percentage going to our year end Holiday Party.
We currently have four golf tournaments planned for 2023 (listed below). New for 2023, the club tournaments (like Tuesday and Thursday golf) will be open to ALL members of our greater community (not just club members). March 7 - Match Play (multiple weeks) June 6 – Member/Guest October 3/10 - Club Championship December 5 - Holiday Classic (Toys for Tots Fundraiser)
The Social Committee will be working on options for club outings of a purely social nature, if you have ideas they are welcomed. In closing, a reminder that the CRGSC is only viable when the members of our community are willing to participate both in weekly golf and our events, but even more importantly in organizing and planning of those events. So please consider joining or re-joining our group. If you are a golfer of ANY skill level from beginner hackers to an actual “golfers”, our weekly golf games are a great way to meet and get to know your community members.
CRGSC History (Formerly CRRGC)
Committee Roles:
President Emeritus – Dennis Rhoads
Treasurer – Jack Dixon
Secretary – John Clarke
Tuesday Golf Coordinators - Don Utterback and Pat Okura – (additional volunteers appreciated)
Thursday Golf Coordinator - Bill Dorland
Home Tournaments - Steve Moore
Meeting Coordinator - Donna Turner
Social Committee Karen Clarke and Donna Turner  (additional volunteers appreciated)
Outreach and Communications - Larry Firth
2023 CRRGC Tournaments (Dates subject to change)
·         March 7: Match Play (multiple weeks)
·         June 6: Member/Guest
·         October 3/10: Club Championship
·         December 5: Holiday Classic (Toys for Tots fundraising event)