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CR Golf and Social Club

The Cypress Ridge Golf and Social Club (CRGSC) is an organization formed to enhance the enjoyment of golf and promote social interaction for the residents of Cypress Ridge and vicinity. Although we are a golf club, most of our activities of a social nature. Many of our members don’t even play golf!

In addition to golf tournaments, CRGSC organizes an opportunity to play each Tuesday and Thursday morning at Cypress Ridge, and opportunities to play at other golf courses. Games are self-supporting and voluntary. Golfers participating in any golf activity in which prizes are awarded are required to maintain an official handicap. Golfers participating in any of our scheduled tournaments must be a dues-paying member in order to be eligible to win any prize. Participation is open to CRGSC members, and to guests/non-members on a space-available basis.

Membership in CRGSC is open to all residents at Cypress Ridge and vicinity. Membership is comprised of persons who have paid dues for the year. Dues are $125 per couple per year and prorated at a quarterly rate for new members. The dues are primarily used to pay for catered food for meetings, rental of event facilities, the partial costs of our Christmas dinner/dance, and other events. Non-members may attend meetings and events for a fee.

CRGSC has endeavored to encourage members to support local charities. A few examples that members have been involved in include the SLO Food Bank, Knowing You Matter, and the Oceano Senior Center. 

The club meetings are typically held on a Wednesday evening from 5:30 to approximately 8:00PM. Catered food is provided for a nominal fee, and members bring their own beverages.

2025 meeting dates are as follows:
  • February 5th
  • April 23rd
  • June 25th
  • August 27th
  • October 22nd
  • December 12th
Social events are organized through-out the year. The 2024 social event calendar included a trip to Sensorio, a wine tasting/farm tour at Talley Farm/Vineyards, and a trip to the Oceano Melodrama. The cost for social events are paid entirely by attendees. The Social Committee will be working on options for 2025 club outings of a purely social nature, if you have ideas, they are welcomed.


Happy New Year everyone! Our 2024 club activities were a huge success. Our membership is now over 100 people (approximately 50 households). All six of our bi-monthly meetings were well attended and members enjoyed good food, drinks, and friendship. Tuesday/Thursday golf keeps cooking along. Our four home golf tournaments and three outside Cypress Ridge social events were fun for all. 

Fortunately, our awesome committee chairs (listed below) have agreed to continue on through next year. I’m looking forward to another busy and fun club activity calendar for 2025. Our first 2025 meeting will be Wednesday, February 5, perfectly timed as a set up to February 9th’s 
Super Bowl!

In closing, a reminder that the CRGSC is only viable when the members are willing to participate both in weekly golf and other scheduled events, but even more importantly in organizing and planning of those events. Please consider joining (or re-joining) our group. If you are a golfer of ANY skill level from beginner hackers to actual “golfers”, our weekly golf games are a great way to meet and get to know your community members. If you are not a golfer but looking to make new friends, you will find a welcoming place in our group.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please send an email to 
CypressRGSclub@gmail.com, and someone will contact you.
CRGSC History (Formerly CRRGC)

Committee Roles:

President – Ed Turner
Treasurer – Jack Dixon, 
Secretary – Lisa Browne
Tuesday Golf Coordinators – Members volunteer to organize on a monthly basis
Thursday Golf Coordinator - Bill Dorland
Home Tournaments – Stan Gomes
Meeting Coordinator - Donna Turner
Social Committee – Donna Turner

2025 CRRGC Tournament dates will be announced at a later date.